WTF was that?

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WTF was that? is an in-game social media post discussing the appearance of Prometheus during a speech by Mayor Hermanubis.





Seriously, what the Founder was that thing in the sky? We all saw that, right? I didn't accidentally turn on Sleep Mode while Herman was talking, did I? (I mean it's always tempting...)
No, we all saw it.
Can confirm.
OVIS (909)
I believe it was a sign from the Founder! What else could it be, on this day of all days?
Pretty incoherent for a sign. It didn't even finish whatever it was trying to say. What, does the Founder have energy insufficiency problems too?
THECLA (862)
The Founder works in mysterious ways.

Option 1

1K (1000)
Maybe it really was a sign.
OVIS (909)
Thank you, 1k. I'm glad you see it that way. We must remain open [to] the possibility of miracles.
In what possible way could that garbled mess have been a sign?

Option 1.1

1K (1000)
Maybe it is something for us to decipher. A riddle.
THECLA (862)
Riddles and puzzles are the foundations of our journey. So it began, perhaps so it will continue.

Option 2

1K (1000)
I don't think it was a sign.
Out of the mouths of babes...
OVIS (909)
How could such a remarkable display of unimagined powers not be a sign?

Option 2.1

1K (1000)
It's something, but not necessarily the Founder.
Sounds reasonable enough to me. Something weird is going on for sure, but what? We'll have to see.
THECLA (862)
Riddles and puzzles are the foundations of our journey. So it began, perhaps so it will continue.