
From The Talos Principle Wiki
Identifier: North 2-4
Area: Flooded Valley
Puzzle Type: Main
Previous Puzzle: Crossing
Next Puzzle: Balance of Force

Wellspring is the fourth main puzzle in the Flooded Valley area of The Talos Principle 2.

Puzzle elements


When you enter the puzzle, you find yourself in a large open area with a connector in it. There is a horizontal cylindrical structure in front of you, deep within which a red emitter can be seen. Much further back, there is a blue emitter. On the right side, there is a purple barrier that leads to a U-shaped corridor with lots of open windows. A connector is available here. One end of this corridor has a blue receiver that controls access to a small room with an accumulator in it.

Back outside, near the blue emitter on the back, there is also a red receiver, that leads to a room with another red receiver that leads to the progress wheel.


A basic hint:

[ hint ]
Since the name of the puzzle is Wellspring, you will find that one particular corner is a really great place for you to direct all the energy from, as if that corner is the wellspring from which the solution flows.

If you're struggling to get started:

[ hint ]
Your first task is to obtain the accumulator. You need blue light to do so. It is possible that you have to activate the receiver from far away.

If you can't direct the blue light correctly:

[ hint ]
Notice that there are a lot of windows. Lasers can be directed through multiple windows to their destination.

If you finished working with blue light and are ready to move on:

[ hint ]
If you got the accumulator, then your work with blue light is done. Charge your accumulator red and get to work.

If you're unable to open the last door to the progress wheel:

[ hint ]
Carefully see where all the windows are. Are there angles to activate both the outer door and the inner door?
