
From The Talos Principle Wiki

return_to_monke is a text document stored in the FUZON terminal.


Return to Monke

From the Book of Annotated Internet Comments, by Eustathius (2):

I just think people are dumb. Like, relentlessly ******* stupid. Absolute ******* morons. Human history is a ******* clown show from beginning to end. The average person? Just a slobbering buffoon, bumbling through life like a drunk gorilla in a ******* china shop, breaking stuff left and right, throwing **** at the walls and never understanding a single ******* thing that happens.

5358 I mean just look at this ******* software putting asterisks where swearwords would be. People are afraid of ******* words like they have magic powers! But the real-world **** that is ******* ruining their lives? That's fine! Because they're too ******* dumb to do something about it!

Return to monke? Brother, we never ******* left!

A curious inversion: the return to the mythical state of Monke is usually portrayed as a material return to earlier stages of development, but here the author instead portrays it as a mental state that has never been surmounted.


I would like to meet uncle Eustathius one day! He sounds like someone who is always curious about everything.