
From The Talos Principle Wiki

Message_to_Drennan is a text document stored in the RINTRAH terminal.


Message to Alexandra Drennan

From: 596574206e6174

To: Alexandra Drennan @ IAN

Who do you think you are, playing God like that? When Mother Nature has finally, FINALLY, found a way of getting rid of us, you come up with this harebrained scheme to keep our destruction of the planet going? Just try for one second to think about something other than your own arrogance and hubris, Alexandra. Try to imagine what you're really doing here.

Without your robotic perversions, the future looks beautiful. No more humans murdering everything in their path. The skies clear up, the stars become visible again. The rivers stop being filthy, and after a few decades they're full of fish again. Dolphins and whales roam the seas like their ancestors did. The cities turn into jungles. Bats nest in the skyscrapers were hedge fund managers used to ruin lives.

The Earth lives on as it was meant to, peacefully and quietly, until some day in the distant future when it all ends, like it was also meant to.

Or we take your path. We continue our rampage. We place ourselves above the animals, we think we know better than Mother Nature. We violate all boundaries, we ruin all purity. Perhaps we even defy death, just so we can keep spreading our filth. 757265206973206d6164652062657474657220 then we spread to other planets, to do more of the same.

And in the end, what have we left behind but plastic and radiation?

THINK, Alexandra! Isn't it better for beauty to return to the Earth? For us to acknowledge that intelligence was a mistake and to gracefully exit while we can? 6279206e6f206d65616e0a427574206e6174757265206d

Stop this. Go spend time with your friends and loved ones before the end. Let it go, let us all go. Let there be peace.



I don't understand how someone could hate humanity so much. This person must have been full of sadness and frustration to write something so ugly.
I've tried to understand it as well, but I still don't.