GEMIFEX 312 Postponed

From The Talos Principle Wiki

GEMIFEX 312 Postponed is a social media entry that unlocks when the player gets to New Jerusalem during the prologue.


  • Jeremy (832): I know you all have been looking forward to playing the winners of the biannual Gehenna Memorial Interactive Fiction Exhibition, now in its 312th edition, at the Gehenna Memorial Pavilion. Unfortunately, due to our new Power Management and Distribution Plan, the Pavilion will have to remain closed a little longer. Thank you for your patience.
  • Laetitia (824): This is disappointing, would've been great to have them ready for Completion Day.
  • Ovis (909): We all have to make sacrifices to stay true to the Founder's vision.
  • Aurinia (342): Those text adventures are the only thing that breaks me out of the monotony. Why prioritize this pointless Completion Day celebration over an exhibition that people actually care about? Art is one of the last things we actually still do, is that going out the window as well now?
  • Jeremy (832): Debate regarding our power management plan is definitely welcome, and you will all be able to express yourselves in the next election. But this thread was just meant as an announcement. I apologize for enabling replies to begin with.