Abyss audio logs

From The Talos Principle Wiki
Revision as of 21:02, 18 June 2024 by Theadamabrams (talk | contribs) (intro mentions nightmares and dreams)

The Abyss audio logs are a series of audio clips the player can find as they progress through Into the Abyss, part of the The Talos Principle 2: Road to Elysium expansion. Like the remnants of the past in the base game and Barzai's audio logs in the Isle of the Blessed, each audio clip is triggered by walking through a hologram.

There are two kinds of audio logs in Into the Abyss: nightmares and dreams.


Marked by red holograms, these feature antagonistic (but fictitious) interactions between Athena and other characters, which Athena is playing out in her mind. Collecting all 11 grants the "Night Terrors" achievement.

Nightmare 1

Next to the bridge from the island with 1 and 2 to the central island

Alcatraz: Look at what you've done! You were supposed to protect us! To lead us! But you're reckless and arrogant.

Athena: I did. I tried to! But nobody would listen. They only heard what they wanted to hear.

Alcatraz: Look at this Machine that you built. Do you really think this is a tool? It's a weapon. It killed your daughter and now you're going to give it to your children. And what do you think is going to happen next?

Athena: I don't know. I can't tell.

Nightmare 2

Near the entrance to 5

Cornelius: When I said you didn't kill Miranda, I was lying. I just said it because that's what you're supposed to say. You did kill her. I tried to temper her arrogance, to give her perspective, but you always encouraged her megalomania. You made her think she was special, she was chosen, because you stilli think you're the chosen one.

Athena: No, that's not what I think at all. I don't want to be treated like I'm special. Then why did we leave? Because you were tired of having to argue.

Athena: Because they poured all their fantasies into me and turned me into the Founder! Because they couldn't stop and think for themselves. Because they refuse to grow up.

Cornelius: Oh, and growing up means doing exactly what you want them to?

Athena: I don't know! But maybe... maybe it does. I think Alexandra was right about everything. But I don't know how to show them.

Upon hearing this audio log, Byron remarks "Cornelius would never say anything like that. He loved Athena so deeply that sometimes I worried none of us could ever live up to his example."

Nightmare 3


Nightmare 4

Nightmare 5

Nightmare 6

Nightmare 7

Nightmare 8

Nightmare 9

Nightmare 10

Nightmare 11

Hidden dreams

Marked by green holograms, these feature fictitious but encouraging comments from other characters. Collecting all 3 grants the "Hidden Strength" achievement.

Dream 1

Behind puzzle 8

Cornelius: Deep down you know that none of this is real, Athena. These dark thoughts are just shadows and echoes; let them pass. The people who love you are still out here, and they wont't abandon you. If you can't free yourself, then all you need to do is hold on and they'll find you. They'll save you. That's what human history is, Athena: just people saving each other, again and again, until the end of time.

Dream 2

Past the end of puzzle 9

Alexandra Drennan: Changing the world is never going to be easy, Athena. I never got to go home. Trevor never got to tell me how he felt. We accepted these sacrifices because we had to. Do you think I wanted to say goodbye to my parents in a phone call? Do you think Trevor wanted to die alone, on the floor of a dark server room? Faith in humanity isn't just blind optimism. It's an oath to serve something greater, and you will be held to that oath. When you make mistakes, when you're in pain, when people disappoint you, you don't get to give up. I'm sorry, but you don't get to be cynical. You hold on to your principles. You keep fighting, even if it hurts. So that one day there's a world where people are free.

Dream 3

To the right of puzzle 21

Miranda: Mother... where are you? Where am I? None of this seems real. What are these voices I think they're lying to you.