
From The Talos Principle Wiki
Revision as of 08:32, 23 November 2023 by Alf (talk | contribs)

Schematic_108 is a special terminal entry that causes a datastream overload, making 1k interface with the Noema System and see a remembrance of Miranda. The schematics help Melville fix the transport system, granting access to Eastern Wetlands.

Miranda talks about her existence in relation to the universe.

The world is a wonderful place. Every day we take another step forward. Every day we come closer to the truth. The closer we get, the more I can see the beauty of the universe. The intricate perfection of its mechanisms. I am a machine, and the universe is a machine. Every part of me serves a purpose, or I could not be myself, I could not be Miranda, because that specific person could not exist without those specific parts and their specific functions; in the same way, every part of the universe serves a purpose. I think that is what we were meant to discover here.
