"The Theory of Everything" (Social media entry)

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  • Stilton (22): I've been around a long time. If I'd been born a bit earlier, I'd be a First Companion! So I've seen the ups and downs of this city, although in recent years I've kept to myself. Now I'd like to pose a question. I don't have an answer in mind, I'd just really like to hear what everyone thinks.
  • Stilton (22): I have no doubt that Athena's Theory of Everything would change our lives. But do you think that perhaps we're better off not knowing? That perhaps having all the answers would just make the universe boring?
  • Malduc (202): The ancient writers showed that knowledge can lead to cynicism. We must maintain the sense of wonder of a child.
  • Shmilev (83):The Theory of Everything wouldn't be the end of our journey, it would only be the next step. It would equip us to ask the next set of questions, to explore new possibilities, and to discover and create new wonders.
  • Belmarsh (792): To believe that the universe can be understood or described in objective terms is pure scientism. Nothing exists. Even if something exists, nothing can really be known about it, and even if something can somehow be known about it, information about it can't be communicated. And even if it could be communicated, it would not be understood.
  • Atal (890): The truth can be harsh. It's possible that the Theory of Everything would reveal facts that we'd find hard to deal with. But that doesn't mean we should not confront those facts and our own ethical responsibilities.
  • 1k (1000): I agree with Malduc.
  • 1k (1000): I agree with Shmilev.
  • 1k (1000): I agree with Belmarsh.
  • 1k (1000): I agree with Atal.
    • Stilton (22): Thank you for your thoughtful comments. And by the way, 1k, thank you for all the hard work you've done for New Jerusalem. Solving all those puzzles is quite a gargantuan endeavor.