Trio Bombasticus

From The Talos Principle Wiki
Revision as of 17:44, 8 December 2023 by Eetime (talk | contribs) (Added Puzzle Elements, Overview, three Hints, and a Solution. Removed Stub status.)
Trio Bombasticus
Area: A1
Land: Land of Ruins

Trio Bombasticus is a puzzle in World A1 of The Talos Principle.

Puzzle Elements


This puzzle offers the player a Jammer. Three Guards bounce back and forth between walls and respective Blue doors, which lead out into an open space. At the end of the hallway containing all three Guards is another Blue door that leads to the Sigil.


[ hint ]
The Guards all seem to be bouncing off of the Blue doors, rather than turning around.
[ hint ]
What happens if you jam one of the Blue doors?
[ hint ]
By picking up your Jammer after letting a Guard through a blue door, you can trap it on the other side.


[ solution ]
Jam the Blue door that the first Guard is bouncing off of. Once the Guard passes through the Blue door, pick your Jammer back up. Repeat this for both of the other Guards. Then, simply walk down the hallway, jam the Blue door at the end of it, and take the Sigil.