
From The Talos Principle Wiki
Revision as of 17:00, 28 February 2024 by JayMaxu2 (talk | contribs)
Source: lit_arch
Date: 1759 CE
Area: B7

boundary.txt is a text document stored in terminal B07 Extra in B7.



"What," said he, "makes the difference between man and all the rest of the animal creation?  Every beast that strays beside me has the same corporal necessities with myself: he is hungry, and crops the grass; he is thirsty, and drinks the stream; his thirst and hunger are appeased; he is satisfied, and sleeps; he rises again, and is hungry; he is again fed, and is at rest.  I am hungry and thirsty, like him, but when thirst and hunger cease, I am not at rest."

[segment 4]

Then raising his eyes to the mountain, "This," said he, "is the fatal obstacle that hinders at once the enjoyment of pleasure and the exercise of virtue.  How long is it that my hopes and wishes have flown beyond this boundary of my life, which yet I never have attempted to surmount?"


  • The text derives from the book Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia by English writer Samuel Johnson. The first quoted paragraph ("'What,' said he... 'not at rest.'") comes from Chapter 2 of the book, while the second paragraph ("Then raising his... 'attempted to surmount?'") comes from the Chapter 4. It is unknown if "[segment 4]" refers to anything in particular from the book or elsewhere.