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This article is about the text document. For the new human, see Sarabhai (6).

Sarabhai is a text document by Hypatia stored in the BEULAH terminal.


In Memory Still Bright

I lived with Sarabhai for nearly a century. I will not pretend that all the days were good; some were terrible. She was opinionated. She could be difficult. She could be unfair. And so could I. Sometimes we hurt each other, though we rarely meant to.

But most days were good, and some days were great. A great day with Sarabhai made you feel different; made you feel like something had been revealed to you about the nature of the universe itself, some innate goodness at the heart of all things. Like Nadya Sarabhai, whose name she adopted, she believed in the existence of something sublime beyond the material world. I hope she was right. I hope she's still somewhere. I hope she's not trapped in that broken body I tried so hard to repair.

I was advised to let her go, to get over my attachment. I tried, but it was the wrong advice. Love is what makes us human, and we should count ourselves blessed that we can experience it. My attachment is what kept me sane, what anchored me to this world. Even in death, she saved my life.


I am grateful for the days that we got, but no amount of days would have been enough. Love is not finite, and it is for infinity that we must strive. I will do so for all of you who may still find love, in honor of Sarabhai.




If I had been more careful, New Alexandria would never have happened, and Sarabhai would still be alive.
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